LMPP (LaunMeadow Pet Products) , still offer Mail Out or Collection Services on all our goods.As many Clubs and Organisations are gearing up to holding live shows again so will you Exhibitors be getting yourself and Cats ready for once again attending, so please do check with us on availability of grooming and relative show products in readiness, especially if you are running low. Stocks are in now of the UK produced wet and dry grain free feline foods.
Dates for Shows we will be attending are to be posted here as they are confirmed. Thank you all for your continued custom and look forward to seeing you in the not-too-distant future.
Best wishes to you all.
Graeme & Lu
28th Saturday
Please Email or Telephone/Text Orders for collection at any of the above by Tuesday. You can also contact us for information regarding any 2023 future shows and those in 2024
Email: Lmpp.contact@gmail.com – Tel/Text: 07479928364